Nana Jimenez

Dos corazones valientes, acompañados por sus cuatro estrellas, despliegan su arte y pasión en prendas que transcienden en el tiempo. En el corazón de nuestra marca nace una historia de amor, pasión por la moda y un propósito, que impulsa cada hilo de nuestras creaciones, Somos una empresa familiar, fundada por una pareja de emprendedores con una visión compartida y cuatro hijos que crecen junto a ella, Nuestro viaje comenzó con la idea de ofrecer prendas con estilo que no solo refleja la moda, sino también nuestros valores y creencias más profunda



Each design we create carries the soul of our family, with a touch of inspiration in each stitch, where the soul of fashion merges with the heartbeat of authentic value.
We are passionate about creating unique and timeless garments that tell a story, not only of fashion, but also of purpose and meaning. We believe that clothing can be more than just a garment, it can be an extension of our identity, a way of expressing ourselves and contributing positively to the world we share.
Every step of the way, we have strived to be disruptive, where sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a promise we keep to the planet for future generations, with our children and yours in mind.
We strive to use environmentally friendly materials, ethical production techniques, and responsible business practices towards the world we share. Our sustainable line is a testimony of a commitment to the earth that nourishes our creative souls and provides us with the resources to weave dreams
Nana Jiménez is not just clothing, it is a community woven with love, inspiration and authenticity, of people who share the same values and desire to live with style and purpose, we love connecting with people in a genuine way, sharing our stories and listening to theirs. Each garment that leaves our workshop is destined to create a lasting connection with those who choose it. We are a magical universe where you find the inspiration and beauty that only a brand with soul can provide.
We are proud to know that our garments not only dress bodies, but also embrace hearts, thank you for joining us on this wonderful journey, together we will change the world one thread at a time

nana jiménez 2023

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Nana Jimenez

Somos una marca que siempre te acompañara contamos con cobertura en mas de 15 paises, y esperamos llegar aun mas lejos



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